TTArtisan 90mm f1.2

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TTArtisan 90mm f1.2

Post: # 18Post Ken »

I have both the TTartisan 90mm f1.2 and the Nikon Z 50mm f1.2. While these are different focal lengths, and the 90mm really should be compared to the 85mm f1.2S, I briefly compared these two lenses if anyone is interested. I found the 90mm to have a lot of uncorrected character, glow wide open, CA, etc. It's a heavy manual focus lens, but for the price, it's worth taking a look. The images from the Nikon 50mm f1.2 are very sharp wide open, edge to edge, while the 90mm TTartisan lens can be rather sharp in the center and falls off pretty substantially in the corners. If you're budget is $500, you'd probably be better served with the Nikon Z 50mm f1.8, unless you absolutely need f1.2. The Nikon Z 50mm f1.2 is pretty close to a perfect lens optically. One thing I don't like about it is the ring at the base. I'm always accidentally changing aperture and realizing it because the ring is so easy to turn. I suppose I could just turn the ring off. You can set it to exposure compensation but you'll be accidentally changing exposure as well.